Here you can arrange a personal appointment with us. Name (First & Last) * Email address * Industry * Topic for the meeting * – Bitte auswählen –I would like to learn more about the topic of zero waste.I would like to learn more about the topic of circular economy.I would like to talk about concrete cooperation.Other (use additional information field). Additional information Preferred language * GermanEnglish Preferred time slot for the appointment * Monday (13.05.'24) - morningMonday (13.05.'24) - afternoonTuesday (14.05.'24) - morningTuesday (14.05.'24) - afternoonWednesday (15.05.'24) - morningWednesday (15.05.'24) - afternoonThursday (16.05.'24) - morningThursday (16.05.'24) - afternoonFriday (17.05.'24) - morningFriday (17.05.'24) - afternoon I hereby confirm that my e-mail may be used for contacting me to make an appointment.